What Are The Documents Required For ITIN Application?

What Are The Documents Required For ITIN Application?

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to certain individuals. It is also known as an ITIN number. ITIN application are primarily used for tax purposes in the United States. They provide a tax identification number for non-resident aliens who are not authorized to work legally in the US and other certain individuals.

What is An ITIN, And How Does It Work?

An ITIN number is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9. Additionally, the fourth and fifth digits are designed to fall within a specific range. This design ensures the uniqueness and accuracy of the ITIN. Since an ITIN is a unique number used for an individual’s tax processing, each person has their own ITIN. 

An ITIN number is crucial for an individual to process their taxes. Obtaining this number is essential for a person to conduct tax transactions smoothly with the IRS. The absence of this number can make it difficult for an individual to complete their tax obligations.

Who is Eligible for an ITIN?

ITIN numbers are generally issued to foreign nationals without a US work permit, foreign students, professors, researchers, and certain other individuals. This number is necessary for an individual to conduct their tax affairs in the US. An ITIN application is necessary for an individual to fulfill their tax obligations in the US. Without this number, it can be difficult for an individual to complete their tax transactions. Therefore, obtaining this number is crucial for an individual to conduct their tax affairs in the US.

An ITIN is required for a specific individual to conduct their tax affairs. Therefore, obtaining and protecting this number is crucial for an individual to manage their taxes in the US.

How to Apply For An ITIN?

Apply for an ITIN, an individual must follow a specific procedure established by the IRS. How to apply for an ITIN procedure typically involves filling out an ITIN application form and submitting certain documents to the IRS. To complete the ITIN application form, an individual must first download the appropriate form from the IRS website. This form includes an individual’s personal information, tax status, and other relevant details. Once this form is completed and signed, it must be sent to the IRS along with certain documents.

During ITIN processing timeThe documents typically required to obtain an ITIN include an individual’s identity document and tax return. The identity document serves to verify the individual’s identity and legal status, while the tax return is used to determine the individual’s tax status and obligations.

Applications for ITINs are accepted throughout the year. Consulting firms that handle the necessary procedures for obtaining an ITIN on behalf of applicants make the process easier. This allows individuals with business and legal activities in the US to navigate the seemingly complex application process more smoothly. The IRS does not accept electronic applications for ITINs.

The ITIN application process begins with obtaining a W-7 form from the IRS. The completed W-7 form must be sent to the IRS along with a passport or a document proving foreign status. The documents must be valid and unexpired. Before 2012, it was sufficient to send a notarized copy of the passport. However, due to a change in policy, the original passport with unexpired validity must now be sent.

The IRS returns the original documents to the address specified on the IRS W-7 form within 60 days of receiving them. For documents not returned, you can contact the IRS at 800-829-1040 (within the US) or 267-941-1000 (outside the US). You can also increase your chances of approval by submitting a current US visa, a tax return form, and a document introducing yourself and your company.

If the applicant plans to travel to the US, they can apply in person by scheduling an appointment with the IRS. This eliminates the issue of proving their identity and removes the requirement to send original documents like passports. The application result is still sent to the address specified on the form.

What Documents Are Required for an ITIN Application?

To obtain an ITIN, you will generally need the following documents:

  • For ITIN dependents a completed IRS Form W-7
  • A U.S. federal income tax return
  • Your passport
  • A document proving your foreign status
  • A national identity document
  • A U.S. driver’s license
  • A birth certificate (required if a passport is not submitted)
  • A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services photo ID
  • School records (only for dependents who are students under the age of 18)

ITIN Tips and Suggestions

  1. Immigrants who cannot obtain an ITIN application or file a tax return may face challenges when seeking immigration benefits. Some applications require proof of tax filing to demonstrate “good moral character.” Without an ITIN or tax filing history, immigrants may struggle to establish their work history and physical presence in the US for a specified period. To avoid complications in immigration status and citizenship applications, it is highly recommended that individuals prioritize obtaining an ITIN.
  2. An ITIN number is crucial for low-income immigrants to claim the tax credits they are eligible for, including the Child Tax Credit (CTC), the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), and credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  3. Non-U.S. citizens may still be required to file a federal tax return in the United States, and ITINs are tax processing and identification numbers that allow individuals who cannot obtain SSNs to do so. Additionally, individuals can use ITINs instead of SSNs as part of banking and credit applications.
  4. While applying for an ITIN, Establishing a business and engaging in commercial activities in the United States may require you to gather a substantial amount of documentation. You are not expected to be an expert in every aspect of this process. Manay CPA’s dynamic team, composed of specialists in their respective fields with in-depth knowledge and experience of current regulations and practices, is here to assist you in resolving issues, including ITIN applications.