Can an ITIN Number Work for Work?

Can an ITIN Number Work for Work?

Getting an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is crucial for accessing financial services and meeting tax obligations. The ITIN is intended for people without a Social Security number. Within the US tax system, the Social Security Number (SSN) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) have distinct functions. If you are not qualified for a Social Security number but need a taxpayer identification number for tax purposes, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can provide you with an ITIN, which is a unique identifying number.

ITIN Number was issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the US tax collecting agency. People can apply for an ITIN Number if they are not qualified for a Social Security Number. The ITIN number consists of nine digits. “9” is the first digit of the SSN, which is formatted as (NNNN-NN-NNNN). ITIN numbers should only be used for tax reporting.

What is ITIN?

The Internal Revenue Service issues individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) for tax processing. Those who are obliged to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but are not eligible for or do not have a Social Security number are issued ITINs by the IRS.

ITIN numbers assist people in adhering to US tax regulations. The ability to obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is unaffected by immigration status. 

The necessity of possessing an Individual Taxpayer Identity Number;

  • Nonresident alien who must file a U.S. tax return
  • U.S. resident alien who files a U.S. tax return (based on days in the United States)
  • Dependent or spouse of a US citizen/resident alien
  • Dependent or spouse of the non-citizen alien visa holder
  • Non-resident alien claiming tax treaty benefits
  • Nonresident alien student, professor, or researcher filing a U.S. tax return or claiming an exemption

What is the ITIN Number Used for in the USA?

The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is used only in federal tax reporting procedures. The Internal Revenue Service issues an ITIN to individuals who meet the requirements to file individual tax returns and accounts and follow U.S. tax laws.

Applying for or receiving an number does not guarantee that you are permitted to work in the US. On the other hand, if you have an ITIN, you can join or own a company in the US. If you have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, you are not eligible for social security payments or earned income tax credits.

What is SSN?

For a Social Security Number, use SSN. It is a distinct nine-digit identifying number that is provided by the US Social Security Administration (SSA). The number is primarily used to monitor people for Social Security benefits like retirement, disability, and survivor payments.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) normally assigns Social Security numbers to people who are permitted to work in the United States. Main categories of individuals who normally acquire SSNs:

  • U.S. Citizens
  • Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders)
  • Non-Citizen Residents: This includes individuals with certain types of visas, such as those with employment authorization (e.g., H-1B visa holders), refugees, and asylees.
  • Temporary Workers: Individuals with temporary work visas, such as H-1B, H-2A, H-2B, or L-1 visas.
  • Dependents of Social Security Number. Holders

In addition, the Social Security Number is frequently needed to prove identity in several other situations, including job applications, bank account openings, loan applications, government benefit applications, and tax filings. 

What is the W-7 Form?

To file a federal tax return with the IRS, an individual must be ineligible for an SSN. Form W-7 is used to apply for an individual taxpayer identification number for non-citizens of the United States.

Form W-7 asks questions like these:

The purpose of the ITIN application The applicant’s name, mailing address, and, if different, foreign address

Date and place of the applicant’s birth; nationality of the applicant

The applicant’s foreign tax identification number, if any, and, if relevant, their US visa number

Specifics of the paperwork filed to confirm the applicant’s identification

One or more W-7 forms must accompany a tax return; these forms cannot be filed electronically. You can mail it to any IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center in person.

W-7 forms can be sent to:

Internal Revenue Service

Operation ITIN

P.O. Box 149342

Austin, Texas 78714-9342

It takes 6 to 10 weeks to receive the ITIN number. If the ITIN number has not been used to file a federal tax return within the last 3 years, it will expire at the end of the current year.

How to get the ITIN number?

When assigning an Number, immigration status is not taken into consideration. Because both resident and nonresident aliens may be obliged to file or report in the United States under the Internal Revenue Code, immigration status is not taken into consideration.

To get a  Number, a person must fulfill the application requirements and submit a legitimate federal income tax return.

Required Documents

Every document must have an expiration date on it and be up to date. Documents provided within a year of the application will be accepted by the Revenue Administration if there is no expiration date.

Name and photo must appear on all documents. Also, the documentation must bolster your application for alien status. Within 60 days after completing an ITIN  application, you must apply in person at the IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center, or CAA, if your original documents are required for any reason.

Acceptable written materials:

  • Passport (stand-alone document) 
  • National identification card (must show photo, name, current address, date of birth, and expiration date)
  • U.S. driver’s license
  • Civil birth certificate (required for dependents under 18 years of age)
  • Foreign driver’s license
  • U.S. state identification card
  • Foreign voter’s registration card
  • U.S. military identification card
  • Foreign military identification card
  • Visa
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) photo identification
  • Medical records (dependents only – under 6)
  • School records (dependents only – under 14, under 18 if a student)

To file a federal tax return with the IRS, an individual must be ineligible for an SSN. Form W-7 is used to apply for an individual taxpayer identification number for non-citizens of the United States.

How to get ITIN number for free?

There is no cost associated with applying for a number  diirectly through the IRS. Candidates should be aware that there may be a cost involved if they decide to ask Certified Admission Agents (CAAs) or other approved agents for help. Although it is customary to seek advice from representatives, it is crucial to keep in mind that the costs requested are unrelated to the Internal Revenue Service.

What is EIN

An employer’s identification number is an EIN. For tax purposes, the IRS issues a unique nine-digit number, known as an EIN, to identify businesses and other entities operating in the United States. The Federal Tax Identification Number is another name for it.

The following organizations require an EIN:

C corporations;

S Corporations;

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs);

Limited Partnerships (LPs);




Non-profit organizations such as charities, religious organizations, and educational institutions;

Farmers’ cooperatives;

Plan administrators;

Sole proprietors with employees.

Getting an EIN Number from the USA

To acquire their EIN, international applicants can call 267-941-1099 (not a toll-free number) Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Eastern Time). To obtain the EIN and respond to inquiries about Form SS-4, the caller must be authorized. 

Businesses and other organizations operating in the United States use an EIN, which is a nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service as their Federal Tax Identification Number.

Is EIN and TIN the same?

There is a difference between TINs and EINs. The fact that EINs are occasionally referred to as Federal Taxpayer Identification Numbers. The fact that TIN is an umbrella term is the most crucial distinction to be aware of. The term “employer identification number” encompasses a variety of numbers.

How to Find EIN Number?

Following limited liability company (LLC) registration, the company needs to apply for an employment identification number from the IRS.

The nine-digit federal tax identification number of a business is often known as its employer identification number. You must get an employer identification number if you employ one person or more people. Even while getting a number for your company is not required if it is a single-member LLC, it can still be beneficial to its operations.

The IRS issues employment identification numbers to limited liability companies. The EIN can be easily and cost-free obtained following identity verification. An EIN can be obtained in some ways, including by fax, phone, or mail.