Deciding the name of the company you will form can be a tiring process. Since there are steps to follow in order to establish a company, choosing a name for your entity is also an essential part of this process. If you are thinking of a name to choose, you can check it for free.
You should note that choosing a name differs for Corporations and Limited Liability Companies.
The name of the corporation you choose in the US must have one of the following name extensions:
- Association, Company, Club, Foundation, Syndicate, Union, Fund, Incorporated, Institute, Limited, Society, Corporation etc.
If your company’s name is in a language other than English in the United States, you should provide an English translation when setting up your company.
Delaware Limited Companies must have one of the following extensions:
- LLC, L.L.C., Limited Liability Company.
Non- Profit Organizations must have one of the following extensions:
- Public Benefit Corporation, PBC, P.B.C., Association, Company, Club, Foundation, Syndicate, Union, Fund, Incorporated, Institute, Limited, Society, Corporation.
Regulations for Companies (Corporations and Others)
Words such as “bank”, “university” or “college” cannot be used to determine the company name in the United States unless approved by the Bank Commissions or Education Secretariat of the related state of the US.
Words that are not accepted by the State Courts cannot be used as extensions. The state secretariat has the authority to reject any chosen name. The name you intend to choose cannot be the same as the name of a previously booked US company. Small changes will suffice. If you want to use the same name as a previously established US company, you can create a unique name by adding a word or roman number to the end.
Choosing an entity name is not an easy task because you will take many big steps depending on that name; website name, logo design, brand ownership, social media accounts, stamps if desired. Imagine your company under your name. Print on specific logos and see how they look. Get feedback from people around you in the form of effects. Try to evaluate it from the perspective of your potential customers.
You can also check your potential domain name. If you are considering a website, you should check it before it is too late. Otherwise, your company name in the US and the web address may not be compatible, which could prevent potential customers from reaching you. They may find it difficult to find your name on the Internet.
For further questions, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with our professional team. is a brand of Cohen Investment LLC, act as a Certified Acceptance Agency. provides professional services to prepare and apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) to submit through IRS. As a Certified Acceptance agent , prepares and submits applications for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (“ITIN”) on behalf of their applicants. tracks the application processing and notifies ITIN Applicants for their ITIN Confirmations. understands the applicant situation, inform before the ITIN Application process. helps to applicant to apply for their ITIN in a convenient way to avoid mistakes and rejection for ITIN Application. Any individual may hire us to prepare, submit and obtain his or her ITIN Number (via W7 Form) application to the IRS.