Do you need an EIN for a Sole Proprietor?
There is no need for sole proprietors to obtain an EIN. The social security number can be used as an EIN in most cases. However, sometimes an EIN differentiates from a social security number. In some instances, having an EIN makes many processes easier. Please go on to read to learn points differentiating between an EIN and social security number.
EIN is needed for some cases as follow;
- If employees are going to be hired, if Keogh/solo 401 (k) are going to be opened, or while applying for bankruptcy protection.
- If one is on the process to buy an existing company or manage it as a sole proprietorship.
- If one is going to form a partnership or LLC
Even if the federal government does not require an EIN, most of the banks will enforce its clients to get one.
Despite all these, an EIN should be obtained to pass the legal process more easily and also to pass all bureaucratic stages without any problems. is a brand of Cohen Investment LLC, act as a Certified Acceptance Agency. provides professional services to prepare and apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) to submit through IRS. As a Certified Acceptance agent , prepares and submits applications for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (“ITIN”) on behalf of their applicants. tracks the application processing and notifies ITIN Applicants for their ITIN Confirmations. understands the applicant situation, inform before the ITIN Application process. helps to applicant to apply for their ITIN in a convenient way to avoid mistakes and rejection for ITIN Application. Any individual may hire us to prepare, submit and obtain his or her ITIN Number (via W7 Form) application to the IRS.