When Does a Non-US Person Need an ITIN?
- You need to file a tax return,
- You are a spouse or a dependent child, who is not a U.S. citizen or resident, of a U.S. taxpayer,
- You have any sort of U.S. trade or business or effectively connected income in the USA, for example; you own a rental property that you are renting out.
- You own a business, or you are processing credit cards,
- You have any sort of tax filing obligation in the USA.
Ein-itin.com is a brand of Cohen Investment LLC, act as a Certified Acceptance Agency. Ein-itin.com provides professional services to prepare and apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) to submit through IRS. As a Certified Acceptance agent , Ein-itin.com prepares and submits applications for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (“ITIN”) on behalf of their applicants. Ein-itin.com tracks the application processing and notifies ITIN Applicants for their ITIN Confirmations. Ein-itin.com understands the applicant situation, inform before the ITIN Application process. Ein-itin.com helps to applicant to apply for their ITIN in a convenient way to avoid mistakes and rejection for ITIN Application. Any individual may hire us to prepare, submit and obtain his or her ITIN Number (via W7 Form) application to the IRS.