Do I have to obtain an EIN?
The IRS makes it obligatory to have an EIN if you have employees, are a part of Keogh’s plan. Involved with trusts, estates, NGOs, farmers’ cooperatives, file tax returns for alcohol, employment, excise, firearms and tobacco. If you intend on opening a business bank account, you are required to have one. is a brand of Cohen Investment LLC, act as a Certified Acceptance Agency. provides professional services to prepare and apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) to submit through IRS. As a Certified Acceptance agent , prepares and submits applications for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (“ITIN”) on behalf of their applicants. tracks the application processing and notifies ITIN Applicants for their ITIN Confirmations. understands the applicant situation, inform before the ITIN Application process. helps to applicant to apply for their ITIN in a convenient way to avoid mistakes and rejection for ITIN Application. Any individual may hire us to prepare, submit and obtain his or her ITIN Number (via W7 Form) application to the IRS.