An EIN is an employee identification number, which is similar to a federal tax ID that’s given by the IRS. EIN is a nine-digit number like a social security number. The IRS uses it for tax purposes. It is a type of federal tax ID or government tax ID. It is formatted like 12-3456789.
To get an EIN, you are required to fill out an SS – 4 form. This form is free, and filing it is also free. However, filling out can be a little bit confusing. We can assist you to fill that form and file the documents required.
Many different organizations must have Federal tax IDs. These organizations are:
– Sole proprietorships
– Partnerships
– Corporations
– S-corporations
– Trusts
– Church – controlled organizations
– Estates
– Non-profits
– Some other business entities
On the other hand, it is obligatory to get an EIN if
– Start a Keogh Plan
– Bid for a federal government contract
– Form an LLC, corporation or partnership
– Start a business line of credit
– Open a business bank account
– Pay one or more employees
– Pay taxes