After you set up your LLC, according to EIN application you need to obtain an EIN number for your company. An LLC without an EIN number cannot engage in commercial activities. These activities can be listed as opening a bank account, using virtual pos, opening a Stripe account. In short, after establishing a company in the USA, you must obtain an EIN in order to be able to trade with your company.
How to Get an EIN Number in the USA?
To get an EIN, it is necessary to fill in the SS4 form and send it to the IRS via fax. After your form is reviewed, it is delivered to you by the IRS by writing the EIN to the fax number you specified. Sometimes your EIN will be sent to you via fax, and sometimes it may arrive as an early letter to the postal address in the USA that you have written on the form.
What you actually need to do is as follows: You fill out and sign the SS4 form and fax it to the IRS along with your Articles of Organization for starting EIN application. Then it remains to wait patiently until the EIN arrives. EIN arrival time completely depends on the intensity of the IRS. Sometimes it comes in 2 weeks, in some cases it can even exceed 6 weeks. You don’t have much to do in shortening the times, you just have to wait.
Why is EIN Required?
EIN can be defined as follows: It is a 9-digit number given by the IRS to persons or organizations doing business in the United States. Also EIN number is known as federal employer (or tax) identification number.
The EIN number is a tax identification number for your LLC. According your EIN application the IRS will use this nine-digit tax number to identify your firm in your tax filings. The EIN is also requested from you when opening a bank account in the USA (including Mercurybank, Relay, Wise). A company that does not have this number cannot open a bank account. In addition, payment gateways like Stripe also ask for your EIN number at registration.
In short, once you form an LLC in the USA, you cannot do anything without this number. Therefore, it is imperative that you obtain this so-called EIN number by applying through the IRS.
How to Fill SS4 Form to Get EIN?
If you own a company in the USA and have a business establishment there, it is essential to obtain an EIN number wherever you reside in or outside the USA.
The EIN is a number provided free of charge by the USA Internal Revenue Service. You do not need to make any payments for EIN application. You need a fax number to fax the EIN form to the IRS and receive it after the EIN is assigned. There are many sites where you can get the fax service virtually.
Well, how to fill SS4 form to get EIN?
- Do not use Turkish characters when filling out the form enter the parts to be written in capital letters. Pay attention to the date format, you should use month, day-year format instead of day, month, year.
- First, download the final version of this form from the IRS website for starting EIN application.
- At this stage, you can now start filling out the form. Fill the form from the computer and then print it out and sign it with a wet signature. Or you can digitally sign the bottom of your form with free online applications such as PDF Editor.
- This is the last step. After you fill it out, check it, sign it and bring it back to PDF format (After signing this form, you need to convert it to PDF format in high resolution), all that’s left is to fax it.
As you can see in our content above, we have given a comprehensive answer to the ‘EIN Application Requirements’ topic. We hope that you have found answers to all your questions about this subject in our content.